Oct. 20, 2024

New Line Of Action Figures From Nacelle To Feature Tuvix And More Deep Cut Star Trek Characters

New Line Of Action Figures From Nacelle To Feature Tuvix And More Deep Cut Star Trek Characters



Nacelle’s first Star Trek figures

The Nacelle Company is best known for their nerdy docuseries including The Toys That Made Us and The Center Seat: 55 Years of Star Trek. They also produce the Gates McFadden InvestiGates podcast. Now they are combining their love for toys and Star Trek with a new line of action figures. Their license spans the nearly 60 years of the franchise, but they are set to focus on characters never before available as action figures. This includes Tuvix from Star Trek: Voyager, which was revealed to be the fifth figure for the upcoming line at New York Comic Con today. The character Tuvix appeared in just one episode, but that single appearance still has Star Trek fans (and stars) debating the morality of “Tuvix.”

Preview of Nacelle Tuvix figure

The Nacelle’s figures are 1/12 scale (about 6 to 7 inches) and “highly articulated,” similar to Hasbro’s Star Wars Black series. They are being designed to be affordable, with hopes to be available for under $30 each. The first wave will be available for pre-sale in the first quarter of 2025, with hopes the first figures will arrive mid-year.

At a New York Comic Con panel on Saturday, Nacelles showed off their plans for the first wave, which includes eight figures:

  • Captain Jellico from Star Trek: The Next Generation “Chain of Command”
  • Peter Preston from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  • Valkris from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  • Captain Garrett from Star Trek: The Next Generation “Yesterday’s Enterprise”
  • Tuvix from Star Trek: Voyager “Tuvix”
  • Mirror Archer from Star Trek: Enterprise “In A Mirror, Darkly”
  • Weyoun from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • Captain Sulu from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

They also have preview images from some of the first wave:

According to Nacelle’s Brian Volk-Weiss, the company is is already planning additional waves and also looking to fans, soliciting ideas on which characters they would like to see in future waves to complete their collections.