Sept. 11, 2023

Star Trek Away Mission Miniatures Boardgame

Star Trek Away Mission Miniatures Boardgame


Star Trek: Away Missions

In Star Trek: Away Missions, players lead their own landing parties to complete missions, conduct espionage, fight in glorious battle, or assimilate distinctiveness.

The objective is to score points by completing missions over the three rounds.

Each completed mission earns you points. Score the most points to win the game!

Each member of your away team is represented by a figure that will move about the board to complete missions with an associated card that describes that character’s strengths, skills, and other important characteristics including which away team they belong to!

Battle of Wolf 359 contains two teams: Riker’s Away Team of the Federation, and Locutus’s Unimatrix of the Borg.


In Star Trek: Away Missions, players will lead their own landing parties to complete missions, conduct espionage, fight in glorious battle, or assimilate distinctiveness. The objective is to score points by completing missions over the three rounds. Each completed mission earns you points. Score the most points to win the game!



Gowron’s Honor Guard Expansion

Klingons are warriors trained from birth to fight. They are deadly and tough, and their weapons are brutal.

Few others can stand up to a Klingon in a one-on-one fight.

As a Klingon player, you can’t go wrong by simply getting up close and personal with the enemy. Seek out honor and the death of your foes!

Sela’s Infiltrators Expansion

The Romulans are always after more Intel on their foes, learning their strengths and weaknesses and how to defeat them.

While doing so they will be running plots within plots, planning assassinations and devious stratagems to derail their opponent’s plans.

Romulans avoid conflict until they have a decisive advantage, then make a well-directed surgical strike.

These expansions are ready to play straight out of the box and come with pre-designed card decks that make the most of the characters abilities. Alternatively, you can mix cards and mission specialists from other away teams to customise your decks and add even more variety. 

 Picard returns to the site of the Battle of Wolf 359 to establish peace between the squabbling factions and restore the primacy of the Federation in interstellar matters.

 The Duras Sisters take the remains of their house to Wolf 359 in the hope of finding plunder to finance their return to Klingon politics and to redeem their honor – by any means necessary.


Faction Dice

The dice sets allow you to have a fully matching set for your favourite faction!

Organized Play Kit

Q, an enigmatic entity from the Q Continuum, delights in spreading chaos in the lives of mere mortals, instilling valuable lessons in the process.

This Organized Play Kit has everything you need to play a four-game campaign for up to ten players. Perfect to bring your gaming group together for a big event or ongoing meetings.

The Q Organized Play Kit contains everything you need to support an event for ten players, including:

10x Q Miniatures

10x Q Character Cards

150x Cards

62x Tokens