In this episode of Trek Talking, host Uncle Jim and his co-hosts discuss various themes related to Star Trek, including the concept of Section 31, the importance of disagreement in society. They engage with their fan community through shout outs and...
Not only did he play Linus, but he also played a Klingon, Kelpian and young Su'Kal
It's been a long road getting from there to here....
Frakes directs another gem, don't leave us hanging like that, and Doug Brodie talks trek and his new book
Books in a library, Burnham faces her fear and the Breen attack
The Breen are back, and they aren't happy!
Tilly saves the day, where's Saru, and water is the clue
jump back, is that's a Breen? Spock, Saru and ISS Enterprise
Giant Cloaked Bee's, Culber works out, Tilly says what!?
Action Saru, A new Number One, and a Romulan connection to the past
What's Lorca really up to, we finally see USS Discovery, and meet the crew.
Prodigy is coming to NetFlix, Thank Lucy for Star Trek and Nick Cage isn't down with Star Wars
Star Trek Musical, Lower Decks season 4 and Discovery Final season
Gorntastic, Gornography , Chekov shares what really happened at Cestus III