Nov. 15, 2022

EPISODE 500!!!- Spice Williams-Crosby Vixis in Star Trek 5 joins us Live Qapla'

EPISODE 500!!!- Spice Williams-Crosby Vixis in Star Trek 5 joins us Live Qapla'

Klingons, off the starboard bow. It's only Vixis from Star Trek 5

EPISODE 500, that's right!! It's so hard to beleive that I've been doing Trek Talking for that long. What you must now be made aware of is, my favorite Star Trek movie is STAR TREK 5: THE FINAL FRONTIER, one of the reasons is the awesome Klingons. It brings me great honor to be joined by  the lovely and talented Spice Williams-Crosby. Her most notable roles are the Klingon officer Vixis in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, and the assassin Patrice in Buffy the Vampire Slayer story "What's My Line". Originally involved in music and dance, she switched to acting, focusing on action roles which often featured stuntwork, making use of her martial arts and athletic skills. Doing stunt work on "From Dusk till Dawn", "Spider-Man", and "Liar Liar". She took up personal fitness at the age of 26, including bodybuilding and nutrition. She is a PhD, third-degree blackbelt, a vegan, and has written a book and several articles on the subject.