Jan. 27, 2023
Episode 512 - JOSH DERKSEN- Star Trek: Alliance – Dominion War Campaign part 2

Star Trek: Alliance – Dominion War Klingon Campaign, QAPLA'
Episode 512- Join Uncle Jim and his Treksperts as we discuss the new KLINGON Campaign of Star Trek: Alliance Dominion War , with game designer, JOSH DERKSEN. We have new cardsm new missions and new AI ships! This is compatible with Star Trek:Alliance part one, and you can carry over your Federation crew, Captain and ships, or start with a fresh new Klingon ship and crew. As always we have Star Rek Birthday's, and fan shout-outs. Call (646)668-2433, during showtime, with questions or comments for Josh. Let's see what's out there...ENGAGE!