Oct. 13, 2023
Lower Decks review "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place" and VST- "Run, Don't Walk."

Patrick says what!? Grand Nagus Rom and First Clerk Letta are back!
Uncle Jim and his Treksperts discuss Star Trek Lower Decks fourth season episode "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place", and Very Short Treks final episode, "Walk Don't Run". Grand Nagus Rom and First Clerk Letta petition to join the United Federation of Planets, what could possibly happen? Very Short Treks finale brings us Tendi, Riker, Sulu and other beloved characters from across Star Trek. We compare our scores to our FB fans, Fan Shout-outs, and Star Trek birthday's. Patrick says what, on Star Trek News. Call (646)668-2433 to join the fun. Let's See What's Out There...ENGAGE!