Sept. 6, 2024

Star Trek: Prodigy "CRACKED MIRROR " and "A TRIBBLE CALLED QUEST" review

Star Trek: Prodigy

James Darren passes away, Star Trek Day gives fans Free Star Trek and The Bell Riots

Uncle Jim and his Treksperts continue our review of Star Trek Prodigy's second season. We discuss episode 14 "CRACKED MIRROR" and episode 13 "A TRIBBLE CALLED QUEST". Find out what Star Trek actor you share a birthday with on Star Trek Birthdays, just how global is Star Trek, FAN SHOUT-OUTS goes around the world, Star Trek News Star Trek family looses James Darren, Star Trek Day gives fans Free Star Trek ,and The Bell Riots. Call (646)668-2433 to join the fun. Let's see what's out there...ENGAGE!