Trek Talking

Special Guests Episodes

From time to time, we are lucky enough to be joined by a professional that worked on Star Trek, or in the industry. here you will find all of those conversations with people such as, Spice Williams (Vixis- Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) Michael Jan Friedman (Author), Aaron Waltke (Prodigy Writer), PHILO BARNHART (ST:TMP Graphic Artist), John Stelzner (VP Marketing Playmates), José Augusto Sendim (Brazilian voice of Riker), Andy Bray (Author) EDUARDO ROMAN (Mind meld Vulcan on Picard), Dorothy Bulac-Eriksen(Specialty Costume Keyperson on Picard), Noah Averbach-Katz ( Andorian Ryn on Discovery) ROBB PEARLMAN( Author), Una McCormack (Author), DOUG BRODE (Prop Illustrator Star Trek 2009 & Discovery), JEREMY ROBERTS (Dimitri Valtane- STVI: The Undiscovered Country & Voyager), SANDY GIMPEL (M-113 Salt Vampire), Chase Masterson (Letta on DS9), to name a few. You never know who will pop up on the podcast.
Aug. 13, 2019

Comic Corner - JK Woodward, Mirror Voyager, Discovery, and more

Join us LIVE Monday Night at 7:30pm EST as IDW artist, JK WOODWARD talks about the new MIrror Voyager one-shot, Star Trek Discovery 3 issue mini-sereis, Star T

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